All tagged sex and relationships
While porn use has historically been less taboo for men, it’s becoming increasingly easier for women to admit that they watch and enjoy it. Slowly the conversation about porn is catching up with the reality of its use and users. But what impact has the unprecedented accessibility of online porn had on the sex lives of women who have grown up with it?
Looking at the list of contraception available to women in the UK, it seems like there are loads of choices. Several varieties of both the single hormone or dual hormone pill, the patch, the injection, the hormonal or non-hormonal coil, the implant, male or female condoms, the diaphragm. But should you have migraines, or experience side-effects from hormonal contraceptive use, have a latex allergy, be reluctant or unable to go through an uncomfortable (at best) copper coil insertion, the list gets a lot shorter very quickly. This is where contraceptive apps like Natural Cycles come in.
Faux moans, simulated sheet grabs, exaggerated eye rolls. Fake orgasms are unlikely to be anyone’s first choice, but it’s not difficult to see how you might find yourself in a situation where it feels unavoidable. Here’s how to change that.